laugardagur, janúar 20, 2007
The Wind Trapped Like A Tired Man
The wind tapped like a tired man,
And like a host, "Come in,"
I boldly answered; entered then
My residence within
A rapid, footless guest,
To offer whom a chair
Were as impossible as hand
A sofa to the air.
No bone had he to bind him,
His speech was like the push
Of numerous humming-birds at once
From a superior bush.
His countenance a billow,
His fingers, if he pass,
Let go a music, as of tunes
Blown tremulous in glass.
He visited, still flitting;
Then, like a timid man,
Again he tapped--'t was flurriedly--
And I became alone.
by Emily Dickinson.
- - Paul Ferinni
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- Slysaskot í Palestínu (Í Víngarðinum)
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- The World Is Too Much With Us
- The Wind Trapped Like A Tired Man
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- 4 ára